Analyse bexio Data with Power BI

Like many other SME in Switzerland, we are using bexio as our administration and accounting tool. bexio allows for some limited standardized reporting within the service but we needed more flexibility. So we created our own report with Power BI, focusing mainly on two points:

  • Invoices by customer and date
  • Revenue and expenditures in comparison with last year

Our report allows to compare liquid assets year over year and shows how the invoices are spread across your customers. And the best thing is, we are giving out this report for fellow SMEs. No strings attached.

What you need to set up the report with your own bexio data:

Open the .pbit file with Power BI Desktop and add your bexio API token.

The report is provided as-is.

How to get your bexio API Token

5 responses to “Analyse bexio Data with Power BI”

  1. Hello Dominic,
    Many thanks for that report. I’m searching for a possibility to get a better overview and this report seems to me a good starting point to avoid inventing the wheel.
    Unfortunately, the template seems not to work as the yahoo service is not available.
    I try to fix but had not yet success…

    • Hi Adrian

      Yahoo finance changed the API, I will remove the connection and upload the report again shortly.


    • Hi Adrian

      I have switched the datasource and updated the File. Can you confirm that it is working now? You might have to flush your browser cache to get the report version 1.1.0 on redownload.

      • Hi Dominic

        It is working now!
        Many thanks for this great support! Really appreciate it, save me a lot of work 🙂

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